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4 Benefits of Yoga

Ask anyone to name one yoga position and the answer you’re certain to receive is “Downward Facing Dog”. This simply means that everyone knows about yoga. But do they know the benefits of yoga? Regardless of your level of expertise or familiarity with yoga, it is good to know just how much you can benefit from the practice.

Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages. And, if you’re going through an illness, recovering from surgery or living with a chronic condition, yoga can become an integral part of your treatment and potentially hasten the healing process.

In this blog, we will look at 4 benefits of yoga and how you can implement yoga into your life and make it beneficial to you.

1. Yoga is Heart Healthy

Extended triangle pose

It is proven that adding yoga as a part of your regular exercise routine can help reduce your levels of stress and lower inflammation which can contribute to having fewer heart issues. Several other factors that contribute to heart disease such as high blood pressure and excess weight can be lessened by practicing yoga. Yoga also improves heart health by increasing circulation and blood flow. In addition, practicing yoga can help lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels, as well as the heart rate — which can all add up to a lower risk of hypertension, stroke, and heart disease

– Yoga Poses To Help Heart Health

Standing forward bend

In this pose, you engage a deep stretch by bending forward from a standing position with your legs straight and feet together or hip-width apart. Bring your head toward your knees and place your palms or fingertips on the floor in line with your feet. If you can’t reach the floor, you can rest your palms or fingertips on a yoga block in front of your feet. This pose stretches the spine, hamstrings, shoulders, and groin. It can relieve pain and increase flexibility.

Extended triangle pose

From a standing position, step your right foot 3-4 feet from your left foot. Turn your left foot about 45 degrees to the right. Place your right foot at 90 degrees. Shift your left hip back toward your left heel and lean your torso to the right. Reach your left hand down, either to the floor (or a block) outside of your right foot or against your right shin. As you turn and look up, raise your right arm to the sky, with fingers pointing upwards. Inhale and exhale for three counts, while keeping your legs straight and thighs firm. Repeat on the opposite side. This pose stretches and strengthens the chest, torso, and legs to promote increased stamina.

2. Yoga Can Help With Chronic Back Pain

Cobra Pose

If you are one of the thousands of Palm Beach County residents who suffer from chronic back pain then joining a yoga class at Roses Poses may just be the answer to your back pain problem. Yoga is as good as basic stretching for easing pain and improving mobility in people with lower back pain. The American College of Physicians recommends yoga as a first-line treatment for chronic low back pain.

If you’re dealing with back pain, yoga may be just what the doctor ordered. Yoga is a mind-body therapy that’s often recommended to treat not only back pain but the stress that accompanies it. The appropriate poses can relax and strengthen your body.

Practicing yoga for even a few minutes a day can help you gain more awareness of your body. This will help you notice where you’re holding tension and where you have imbalances. You can use this awareness to bring yourself into balance and alignment.

– Yoga Poses To Help With Back Pain

Sphinx Pose

This gentle backbend strengthens your spine and buttocks. It stretches your chest, shoulders, and abdomen. It may also help relieve stress.

This gentle backbend stretches your abdomen, chest, and shoulders. Practicing this pose strengthens your spine and may soothe sciatica. It may also help to relieve stress and fatigue that can accompany back pain

3. Yoga Can Help Improve Strength, Balance, and Flexibility


Slow movements and deep breathing increase blood flow and warm up muscles while holding a pose can build strength. Even though yoga is not aerobic, some research finds it can be just as good as aerobic exercise for improving health. Strength: Yes. It takes a lot of strength to hold your body in a balanced pose. Regular practice will strengthen the muscles of your arms, back, legs, and core. Active, dynamic styles of yoga are great for strength training. They can be seen as the equivalent to doing a lot of reps of body-weight exercises.

– Yoga Poses To Help With Strength and Balance


Planks are an undisputed strengthener for the abdominal muscles, the shoulders, and the lower back. Though planking seems simple enough, you want to make sure that your form is good so that your shoulders stay safe. It can be hard to judge the position of your hips at first so if you don’t have a mirror handy, get a friend to tell you if your hips are piking up too high or sagging too low. In yoga classes, planks are often used as a quick transitional pose. To improve strength, try holding your planks for at least a minute.

Boat Pose

When approached correctly, Boat is one of yoga’s greatest abdominal strengtheners. What we’re interested in here is not whether you can straighten your legs fully. The most important thing is the relationship between your torso and your thighs. You want to maintain a nice sharp V shape there. So if you straighten your legs and your V gets low and loose, you should keep your knees bent for now. Introducing dynamic movement into your boat makes it function more like a crunch.

4. Yoga Can Help You Have A Better Night’s Sleep

Supine spinal twist

It is no secret that you sleep better when you’re relaxed. Performing yoga before bedtime can help relax you and put you in the frame of mind needed for a great night of zzz’s. Scientific evidence shows that yoga supports stress management, mental health, mindfulness, healthy eating, weight loss, and quality sleep.

– Yoga Poses To Help With Sleep

Easy pose

Begin in a seated, upright position with your feet crossed underneath the opposite thigh. Place your hands in your lap, with your palms facing up or on your knees and breathe in this pose for several minutes. This pose can help relax the body and mind, while strengthening the back. You can use your time as a mini-meditation.

Supine spinal twist

Lie on your back and bring your right knee to your chest, then across your left side. Extend your right arm out to the side and take several deep breaths. Repeat on your left side. Another variation focuses on raising both knees across each side. This gentle twist helps to relieve tension in the spine and relax the body.

Find the Best Yoga Studio Near Me in Greenacres, Boynton Beach, and Boca Raton

Have you been searching for the best Yoga Studio near me in Boynton Beach? Regardless if you’re looking to develop strength, align your body, or increase the focus, you can trust that our yoga classes will benefit you in all areas? Through us, we can promise that you’ll notice beneficial changes in your overall health with our yoga classes as well as other services that we provide. For any inquiries regarding Roses Poses’ services or scheduling, you may call 561-891-8985 or visit our contact page.

How to Improve Concentration in Studies Through Yoga

Yoga is way more than just an exercise. For many, it is a way of life. Yoga helps you to connect with your mind, and body and release positive energy that can do everything from improve your mood to overall health.

Over the past year and a half, we have faced some of the most stressful times of any point in recent history. If the lockdown taught us anything it is to take care of and value our mental health. This was especially important for students who had to conduct their studies from the confines of home via zoom. It’s hard enough to concentrate during regular school ut imagine having to do it with all the stresses of remote learning.

Poor concentration is a common complaint by parents and teachers alike, and our all-time enemy. And the worst is, it evades us when we need it the most – studying at night for an important exam the following day, for instance. Well, now there’s a sure shot solution to this problem: a simple technique called meditation.

Research studies have shown that regular meditation can help increase attention and decrease stress levels. A study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania showed that even a few minutes of daily meditation can help improve focus and performance.

Yoga for Concentration

Yoga for Concentration

Our concentration is constantly tugged in various directions and is often hindered by aging and stress. The benefits of yoga are to maintain the concentration level you have now as well as increase your ability to concentrate. Yoga invites you to live your life with intention with every cell in your body participating as a unit to foster mindfulness and concentration.

Concentration is a powerful energy. When we think something unhappy, it is easy to become unhappy in our thoughts, feelings, and actions. When we focus on the positive and on non-attachment, we can liberate ourselves from the mundane and strengthen our ability to concentrate.

Yoga works to relax the mind and body so we can think more clearly, and in time increase our ability to concentrate. As the wise yogic sage Patanjali stated in the Yoga Sutras, “yoga is the reduction of fluctuations of the mind” or “stilling the natural turbulence of our thoughts.” A regular yoga practice helps us concentrate.

Benefits of Yoga

Here are the Benefits of Yoga you should know.

  • Increases the flexibility of our body.
  • Increases muscle strength and muscle tone.
  • It makes respiration easier.
  • It gives energy and vitality.
  • It helps in maintaining a balanced metabolism.
  • Contributes to weight reduction.
  • It can contribute to cardio and circulatory health.
  • One can observe improved athletic performance.

Importance of Yoga for Students

The importance of Yoga for Students to get a better lifestyle is below.

  • De-Stress Students.
  • Enhances Concentration.
  • Improves Brain Sharpness.
  • Stability.
  • Consciousness.
  • Activates Brain Function.

Find the Best Yoga Studio Near You

Have you been searching for the best Yoga Studio near me in Palm Beach County?. Regardless if you’re looking to develop strength, align your body, or increase the focus, you can trust that our yoga classes will benefit you in all areas? Through us, we can promise that you’ll notice beneficial changes in your overall health with our yoga classes as well as other services that we provide. For any inquiries regarding Roses Poses’ services or scheduling, you may call 561-891-8985 or visit our contact page.

Give Yoga As a Gift This Mother’s Day

After a year spent homeschooling, Zooming, and with hardly a break from the many responsibilities that come with the title of “mom,” offering even a brief moment of relaxation is a winning idea this Mother’s Day. What better way to show mom you care about her than giving her the gift of yoga.

Attending a yoga class together is a great way to spend time with your mom and it’s something she will actually enjoy. This Mother’s Day, give mom the gift of love, health, and mental wellness by booking her a yoga session at Roses Poses.

They say that being a Mother is the toughest, yet most rewarding job in the world. It comes with more responsibility and stress than any other occupation, so that’s why it’s so important that we have the ability to cultivate mindfulness and presence, acceptance and awareness, compassion and gratitude so we can be the best we can be; the greatest gift we can give to our kids.

Yoga For New Mothers

As a new mom, it’s challenging to find time to nurture yourself as you nurture your little one. Roses Poses offers flexible classes that will guide you through your post-birth months and give you space to breathe. You’ve got this! New Mothers oftentimes think they are too heavy or unfit for Yoga. NO SUCH THING. Yoga is for EVERYBODY, and yoga at Roses Poses aims to make sure that happens for you. Whatever your perceived disability is, I will help you work with it. Every person that comes to our classes is in a little different spot in each posture – there is a modification that will make it attainable for YOU.

How Mother’s Can Benefit From Yoga

Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages but especially for mothers. And, if you’re going through an illness, recovering from surgery, or living with a chronic condition, yoga can become an integral part of your treatment and potentially hasten the healing process.

Contact Roses Poses Today To Book a Yoga Session Today.

Are you looking for Palm Beach or Delray Beach Yoga? If you think that you could benefit from working with a Boca Raton Yoga Studio, reach out to Roses Poses Boca Raton in Palm Beach, FL. Give us a call to schedule an appointment at Roses Poses at 561-891-8985 or visit our contact page.

How To Be Open And Honest With Your Life Coach

No matter how skilled or experienced any Life Coach is, if you hire one to help you with any life goals you may have, they can only really be effective if you help them to help you. By that, we mean that unless you open up, and be completely honest with your Roses Poses Life Coach, the support and advice they give you, may not be 100% relevant.

This is akin to you going to see your own doctor with a sharp pain in your stomach but saying that you only have mild discomfort and indigestion. Doctors are not mind readers, and although they help to give you peace of mind, nor are Life Coaches, so in both cases, you must be truthful in order to receive the best possible advice and the most appropriate treatment.

It is very understandable that some people will be reluctant to open up to a Life Coach, especially in the first few sessions. Speaking to a complete stranger is hard enough for many people, let alone opening up to one about matters which are extremely personal, such as our emotions and feelings, does not come naturally to every one of us.

To help you feel more comfortable opening up to your Boca Raton Life Coach, here are some simple guidelines to make it easier for you:

Create a List of What You Want To Talk About

Making a list is a great way to organize your thoughts and ensure that all of your concerns are addressed. Instead of trying to think of what to say or discuss from memory, it is a great idea to write a list of those points you want to discuss with your Life Coach. This is also an extremely effective way of being able to describe your feelings and emotions more accurately, as you can refer to those notes during the consultation.

You might want to take this a stage further and create a journal which you update before and after each session, giving you a means of tracking and measuring your progress, or referring back to something you discussed previously.

 Do Not be Too Hard On Yourself

Sometimes we can be our harshest critic, but it is never a good idea to beat up on yourself.  What we mean here is do not beat yourself up simply because you feel embarrassed to reveal your innermost thoughts. For a start, your Life Coach will understand that opening up is not easy for most people. Always remember that you’re the Life Coaches at Roses Poses in Green Acres are on your side. They never make any judgments about you, but will only give you advice with a view to helping you.

Tell Your Life Coach If You Are Struggling to Open Up

Remember that at all times your Life Coach is there to help you, and that includes what happens during your consultations with them. If you are struggling to express your feelings, or feel you just cannot open up to them, let them know. They are trained in the art of asking questions, and they may also have other techniques that do not necessarily require you to verbally explain all.

Challenge and Reward Yourself

A great way to help yourself to be open and honest with your Life Coach is to challenge yourself and even turn it into a game where you give yourself a point for every open and honest answer you give.

You can do this on a sliding scale where if you answer questions that you found especially difficult, you score more. Whichever way you do this, always reward yourself and also do not be afraid to share these successes with those close to you.

Contact Roses Poses Today For Our Boca Raton Life Coach Services

Are you looking for Palm Beach or Delray Beach life coaching? Life coaching is a valuable service. If you think that you could benefit from working with a life coach, reach out to Roses Poses Boca Raton in Palm Beach, FL. Give us a call to schedule an appointment at Roses Poses at 561-891-8985 or visit our contact page.