How To Be Open And Honest With Your Life Coach

No matter how skilled or experienced any Life Coach is, if you hire one to help you with any life goals you may have, they can only really be effective if you help them to help you. By that, we mean that unless you open up, and be completely honest with your Roses Poses Life Coach, the support and advice they give you, may not be 100% relevant.

This is akin to you going to see your own doctor with a sharp pain in your stomach but saying that you only have mild discomfort and indigestion. Doctors are not mind readers, and although they help to give you peace of mind, nor are Life Coaches, so in both cases, you must be truthful in order to receive the best possible advice and the most appropriate treatment.

It is very understandable that some people will be reluctant to open up to a Life Coach, especially in the first few sessions. Speaking to a complete stranger is hard enough for many people, let alone opening up to one about matters which are extremely personal, such as our emotions and feelings, does not come naturally to every one of us.

To help you feel more comfortable opening up to your Boca Raton Life Coach, here are some simple guidelines to make it easier for you:

Create a List of What You Want To Talk About

Making a list is a great way to organize your thoughts and ensure that all of your concerns are addressed. Instead of trying to think of what to say or discuss from memory, it is a great idea to write a list of those points you want to discuss with your Life Coach. This is also an extremely effective way of being able to describe your feelings and emotions more accurately, as you can refer to those notes during the consultation.

You might want to take this a stage further and create a journal which you update before and after each session, giving you a means of tracking and measuring your progress, or referring back to something you discussed previously.

 Do Not be Too Hard On Yourself

Sometimes we can be our harshest critic, but it is never a good idea to beat up on yourself.  What we mean here is do not beat yourself up simply because you feel embarrassed to reveal your innermost thoughts. For a start, your Life Coach will understand that opening up is not easy for most people. Always remember that you’re the Life Coaches at Roses Poses in Green Acres are on your side. They never make any judgments about you, but will only give you advice with a view to helping you.

Tell Your Life Coach If You Are Struggling to Open Up

Remember that at all times your Life Coach is there to help you, and that includes what happens during your consultations with them. If you are struggling to express your feelings, or feel you just cannot open up to them, let them know. They are trained in the art of asking questions, and they may also have other techniques that do not necessarily require you to verbally explain all.

Challenge and Reward Yourself

A great way to help yourself to be open and honest with your Life Coach is to challenge yourself and even turn it into a game where you give yourself a point for every open and honest answer you give.

You can do this on a sliding scale where if you answer questions that you found especially difficult, you score more. Whichever way you do this, always reward yourself and also do not be afraid to share these successes with those close to you.

Contact Roses Poses Today For Our Boca Raton Life Coach Services

Are you looking for Palm Beach or Delray Beach life coaching? Life coaching is a valuable service. If you think that you could benefit from working with a life coach, reach out to Roses Poses Boca Raton in Palm Beach, FL. Give us a call to schedule an appointment at Roses Poses at 561-891-8985 or visit our contact page.